Lu’mon Macarons for Valentines

So its not a Restaurant review but it certainly is delicious. I thought I’d share some of my Valentines present from Boyfriend. He decided to spoil me with some treats from Lu’mon. He did get a hint after an article I found on HerCanberra for local valentines treats but kudos to him for the follow through.


Lu’mon Macarons is a Canberra business, established in 2013 by Simon and Lucy Hulm. A combination of their names = Lu’mon. Plus it means a few other cute things in translation.

Lu’mon’s mission as per their website is to deliver macarons with attention to detail, quality ingredients and amazing flavours – every bite is better than the last and needless to say mission accomplished.

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A few piccies from their website #DROOL

I got delivered a dozen mixed macarons, originally they were going to go to work but they ended up getting redirected to the house because I was sick L Normally they arrive like this

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But because it was Valentines they came as little hearts, SWOON!!!

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Each macarons was a different flavour and I was especially generous and decided to share. We made it through Honeycomb,

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Iced Vo Vo (my favourite)

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and White Chocolate (i think)

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I was so keen to not eat them all in one go that the shells ended up getting a little too hard and ruined the flavour. I wouldn’t definitely eat them in 5 days for the optimum taste next time! However I certainly wasn’t going to waste them so I simply spilt them and ate the filling like in an oreos commerical. I had vanilla bean, snickers, fairy bread and smores (YUM!)

You can see the little glaring eyes staring at me from Puppy. Dont worry though I shared the love, only a little though 🙂

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You can order off the website or buy them at the Handmade Markets , Farmers Daughter and i think at Mint Road as well.  Definitely worth sourcing.

Plus an Insta picture – @ladyjodie. If you dont Instagram it, it didnt happen.

